Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Forward of Leaders Ear Last

I just picked up Simon Sinek's Leaders Eat Last and read the forward, something I would not have done as a college student or young professional- a habit we should teach our youth. The forward of the book is slightly more than two pages written by Lieutenant General George Flynn of the Marines (not the Flynn who pleaded guilty to charges under President Trump). What he wrote made me really think about the leadership I have witnessed in the last few weeks as CoVid 19 has inundated our country.

Flynn explains that leaders are focused on people. He writes:
"These organizations have strong cultures and shared values, understand the importance of teamwork, create trust among their members, maintain focus, and, most importantly, understand the importance of people and relationships to their mission success."  (p. xi)

When I think about the press conferences given by our president and my governor (I live in New York), a stark difference emerges. Our President comments often must be stepped back by the team on the stage with him, he wants the focus to be solely on him and demonstrates limited acceptance of the vision of what success looks like. He has cast blame on the Chinese, the Democrats, the media, and the previous administration. Three years in, those approaches grow wearisome. His team must be cautious because they are all likely to be thrown under the bus.  He is focused on lets get the economy going in spite of the overwhelming health crisis we are going through. His metrics for reopening is in his head not with his team.

My governor said create social distancing and it was so on the stage. He talks about the metrics from the doctors and scientists and defers to the CDC. He presents a vision that while not rosy or pleasant, will be endured and survived. He trusts his people to do the hard work necessary for success. He put together a team of East Coast governors to look at reopening the economy and gave each of them equal time to speak on the call that introduced the idea. He leads, respects his team and trusts his people.

While my political leanings may not favor either man, I recognize the leadership game has been won.

Flynn recognizes that no "organization has been managed out of a crisis. Every single one of them was led" (p. xi). This worries me for the country, but I am lifted by the governors responses to it all. We will make it through this time with scars no matter what. Our leaders can help it to not be a catastrophe.

Sorry about the political commentary. It is just how this world is being seen and emphasized by my reading.

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