Monday, February 25, 2019

leading and managing a differentiated classroom

Carol Ann Tomlinson is the leading expert on differentiation in the classroom, although by now she has been joined by many others on this path. I think about my journey: As a special education teacher, the ideal is the individualized program for each student. In reality this is rarely achieved because of the numbers of students that teachers work with, theories on what is appropriate, curricular mandates and working conditions that run counter to individualized instruction. As a parent of a pair of difficult to educate children- one a child with ASD and above average intelligence but significant behavioral challenges and the other a gifted child- I saw how the lip service of differentiation did not occur in practice. Focus on the students who struggled to achieve meant that the ability was often used as a tutor or a concern that I should not have. As a teacher working amidst the new buzz word- personalized learning- I see the challenge of implementing the idea. Several of the components of differentiation and personalized learning are in conflict with our current program whose other elements do not change such as age based progression through the grades, inflexible pacing guides, single element grading practices, and limited access to supports to develop individual programs. As I read Tomlinson and Marcia B. Imbeau's book, Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom, I was struck by the measured approach they took. My current district wants to go from no personalized learning to fully implemented, every day all day personalized learning in a year and a half. The adoption rate is as preposterous as the all children will be grade level readers by 2014 goal of NCLB. Their suggestion is to take one or two ideas, try them, refine them and keep going. It is not a rapid transformation, but a slow evolution. Their book provides a rationale for differentiating and a rich panoply of ideas on how to arrange the environment and manage the space so that you can lead the ship. Acknowledging that people need implementation suggestions from anecdotes like their situation, they present a large variety of ideas and stories from across the grade levels and subject selections.

Below is a chart slightly modified from page 18 that showcases some ways to differentiate assignments.

Learning profile
·         Materials at varied readability levels-, hi-lo textbooks
·         Spelling assigned by proficiency
·         Alternate presentation methods- auditory, reading, video
·         Targeted small group instruction
·         Front loading vocabulary; reteach vocabulary
·         Highlighted texts
·         Websites and programs that vary the content and pace based on student progress
·         Range of material that apply key ideas and skills to a variety of real-world situations
·         Teacher presentations designed to link to student interests
·         Varied teaching modes (verbal, visual, rhythmic, practical)
·         Video or audio notes for students who learn better with repeated listening
·         Podcasts or video lessons to see the material presented again or a different way
·         Tiered activities
·         Mini-workshops
·         Flexible use of time
·         Learning contracts varied homework assignments- three assignments: create a poster showing the character, fill in a worksheet about the character or write a paragraph
·         RAFT options
·         Video record the answers, to present without writing
·         Choice boards
·         Expert groups
·         Interest centers
·         Supplemental materials based on student interests
·         Jigsaw
·         Independent studies
·         Interest-based application options
·         RAFT
·         Choice of working conditions (alone, partner, group)
·         RAFT options
·         Blogs and vlogs to share ideas
·         Tiered products
·         Personal goal-setting
·         Varied resource options
·         Check-in requirements based on student independence
·         Providing samples of good student work at varied levels of complexity
·         Use of student interest in designing projects
·         Design a Day options
·         Use of contemporary technology for student expression
·         Complex instruction
·         Varied forms for expressing key content
·         Varied working arrangements
·         Varied modes of expressing learning

The authors stress the value of collaboration to create a differentiated classroom. This could be across grade level or subject matter teams or with specialists to divide the workload up. Starting a leveled or personalized or differentiated program takes time. Using the human resources to develop the program is efficient and effective- but it requires administrative acknowledgement and support so that co-planning time is available.

While differentiation is an important goal, it will not happen without heaps of support. Simply putting an expectation out there is not enough. It requires rethinking our approach to education in general and systematic changes beyond the four walls of the classroom. To truly enable this approach, mindsets need to change. It can be done. It takes time and effort.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Motivating Students Who Don't Care

Allen N. Mendler, of Discipline with Dignity fame, went on to present workshops. I ran across a book which I believe would have been given out at such a program, Motivating Students who Don't Care. This challenge has certainly been around for over thirty years- I remember peers in school who fell into this category. I remember a college professor asking us to contemplate how small children came to kindergarten excited to learn and curious about everything became 6th graders going through the motions. Over the past couple of decades that I have taught, the number of disengaged students has increased.

This book sums up the reason students are unmotivated:
  • values: Our culture values possessions over personality. This has led to incredible rates of bankruptcy, people who cannot afford to retire or pay an unexpected expense and keeping up with the Jones's mentality. Our kids see themselves as equivalent the version of the iPhone they have or the sneakers they wear. Parents, guilty over their divorce or having to work or desperate to provide for their kids all the things they wanted as a child, give material things to their children without attaching expectations. (Yes, I know that this is a gross overgeneralization.) Mendler suggests changing the culture is hard, so this aspect is one to leave alone.
  • avoiding looking stupid- This is classic. As kids grow toward adolescence, they become increasingly motivated by their peers. They do not want to be seen as dumb. It is better to fail because you did not try than to fail because you're dumb.
  • power and control- Many kids exert their independence through control. They need to be in charge of their destiny.
  • depression- Kids with mental illness have huge uphill battles before them. Currently we have seen giant rises in anxiety among students. Unfortunately many of these kids are undiagnosed. Many parents do not believe their child could have such a disorder, that disorders are weaknesses or reflections of bad parenting; they refuse to acknowledge what they see. Kids do not receive appropriate treatment until their disease has progressed to the stage they are completely unable to function. Drugs  combined with CBT treatment can be very successful in addressing these concerns. If we could provide access to quality mental health care, we could improve the lives of our kids tremendously.
Competence and autonomy are the two areas that teachers can intervene most effectively.

The author goes on to explain teachers need to be motivated by some principles. This includes that all students can learn, given the proper tools for success, learning is risk-taking so the class must be psychologically safe, and basic needs of belonging, competence, and control motivate learning. My favorite one, however is this: "High self-esteem should not be a goal, but rather a result that comes with the mastery of challenging tasks" (7). (When I went to college self-esteem was a huge topic that focused on the flip side of this idea- self esteem is necessary to master any skill.)

So how do we provide competence and autonomy? He offers five suggestions:
  • emphasize effort- Carol Dweck's idea of a growth mindset. Build on mistakes. Allow redos and revisions. Grade achievement separate from effort. Encourage and recognize small growth (daily learning targets). Show courtesy. Reframe unmotivated behavior, successive approximations, or glass half full thinking: You did three problems. What did you learn that would help you accomplish the other seven? Make small asks first. Write down goals- contracts. Give a reason- even if it is not a good one. Celebrate markers and endings.
  • create hope- Show how achievement benefits their lives- in high school this is the next month. Make connections with their lives. Ensure adequacy of basic skills- if they can't read, provide supports to develop the skill. Create challenges that can be mastered. Acknowledge your mistakes. Help students develop goals. Help students get and stay organized. Collect supplies, communal supplies- no one need feel embarrassment over not having something to write with or write on. Show proof that mastery matters- again make a connection to their lives. Focus on success; celebrate accomplishment. Focus on the learning process- you don't know it yet, but you have learned the first three steps; what can I do to help you learn? Give before you get- marketing idea of giving kids something to get their attention. Demand more than you expect- start tougher then ease up. Make homework a bonus- too many kids don't do it because they do not have the tools and resources to do it- provide points that can be traded in for something desirable. Encourage and support positive affirmations.
  • respecting power- Challenge refusals respectfully- "I know I hassle you about doing your work, it is because I respect and care about you too much to accept less than your best." Involve students in developing the rules, procedures and consequences. Defer to student power: "We both know you have the power to use appropriate language. Thanks for using it." Ask for (and respect) an opinion. Teach a lesson- directly give them the power to prepare and teach something, with acknowledgement that if they fail to step up you will be ready to do so. Give responsibility to direct and enforce- in groups allow a student to be the leader of the group, or in class a student to give the directions. Privacy, eye-contact, proximity for corrections. Call home to problem solve, with the student. Show students they already have what it takes- catch 'em being good. Use short term gains- behavior management to get over the hump and then move forward. Offer real choices.
  • building relationships- Emphasize and affirm the student: "You'll have to leave the room if that doesn't stop. I hope you make the choice to stay because you are an important member of this class." Be open to student feedback. Send notes to students. Use humor. Offer genuine compliments. Two minute intervention- talk with the student, not about school, for two minutes a day for 10 consecutive days. Host lunch to ask for change. Host a five minute focus group- what is not working and how can we fix it? Build a kindness train. Show yourself at their age (maybe that you have a life today with pictures of you then and now). Share stories from when you were their age.
  • expressing enthusiasm- Dave Burgess is who I think of with this. His teach like a pirate book embodies this idea. Love what you do. Let the kids know that you love being their teacher. Share your love of your subject. Be a life long learner and lighthearted. Arouse interest early- hook them with interest. Judy Willis talks about the brain and its need for novelty and emotion. If we can get them at the beginning, we have a chance to keep them for the period. Encourage drama as a way to express understanding. Be what you are teaching- costumes, props, and dramatic approaches capture interest. Use music, natural disasters and sports- whatever the kids are interested in. Teach through food- harder now with the wellness plans and rules about what you can bring in and serve, but it can be done. Have special theme days- PJ day, silly hair day, mismatched sock day all bring novelty and connections into the setting. Brains eat this up.
We may need to do more of them or do them with more intensity. We know these things lead to great teaching. We just need to do them more.

A great little book- easy to read, full of practical advice. My favorite anecdote is from a teacher whose student asked the all too common, When are we going to use this question. Her answer was write down everything you will do in the future and I will check off the times when you will use this. A little tongue in cheek, but it is an answer that might work once or twice for a group. Promoting that idea of learning for the sake of learning is always a good idea.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Turning High Poverty schools into High Performing Schools, part 2

William H. Parrett and Kathleen M. Budge's thought provoking book, Turning High Poverty Schools into High Performing Schools had me thinking about how we meet the needs of our students. Are we doing what we need to do to improve their performance? Poverty occurring in areas where there is a high incidence of poverty is far more intractable in its impact on achievement than low density poverty. The authors studied schools that were successful with interrupting the poverty-low success cycle. They highlight these programs throughout their text. One important caveat they present is that what works in one program is unlikely to be able to be lifted and implemented in another without adjustments. Local issues and concerns need to be addressed.

Below is a diagram highlighting the interactions they identify as important. Of particular note is the concept of the improvements coming from demanding leadership- not hated authoritarian leaders, but leaders who are recognized as positive leaders by their staff. It is also important to note the critical element of capacity building when it comes to leadership. Good leaders bring up others. They realize they cannot do it all, mentor and train others and set them to work with leading activities without them. I was on a PLC once where the administrators insisted on participating. It stifled growth and discussion. To build leadership on this experienced team, they needed only to set it in motion- not micromanage it.

One concern I have for this plan of intervention is the concept that there is a laser focus on improving the lowest kids. Yes, this is critical if we want to improve, but it leaves out an important group- the high ability and gifted kids. These kids tend to get lost because the needs of the masses are often overwhelming and yet it is important to not let them be forgotten. 10-30% of gifted kids drop out of school because they fail to see the point. We need find ways to challenge them while we address the sometimes staggering needs of the majority. Online programs, lunch bunches, and individual student research projects are ways to address their needs. Guidance departments need to understand that they have unique social-emotional needs that need to be addressed. When these students go to highly competitive colleges they often flounder because they lack skills many take for granted.