Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fun-Tastic Activities for Differentiating Comprehension Instruction Grades 2-6

Sandra K. Athans & Denise Ashe Devine's book, Fun-Tastic Activities for Differentiating Comprehension Instruction Grades 2-6, explains how to use the tic-tack-toe framework to create literacy bins to enhance reading instruction. They include literacy bins in their ELA instruction to a) infuse multiple learning styles into instruction, b) increase motivation around reading tasks, and c) build background knowledge in content areas. They present a large variety of activities to stimulate comprehension, vocabulary, background knowledge and fluency in their students. Presented as choices, the students can complete activities when they have assigned time, have finished other work or they can work on the materials at home. They give excellent directions for introducing the activities into the classroom and monitoring progress. Their appendixes provide a variety of samples and reproducible forms.

While this book is designed for the elementary teacher, this approach can be an excellent one to differentiate learning in secondary classrooms as well. The choices can be presented with different reading levels, different processes (some students might prefer learning from reading and others from viewing video clips), and different products (write your definitions, create metaphors, write them using sentences that explain the words).  Perhaps some students could be assigned a particular one based on their reading level, learning style or learning level. Providing choices is a motivating technique in and of itself.

Two examples I created follow. These could be used for homework or classwork activities. They both involve reading and provide opportunities for online work.

World History example

Your task: Read Chapter 8 section 1, The Early Middle Ages, from your text book (p.182-185). Complete one activity from each column.


details and facts

a step beyond

Page 185, question 1 lists seven people, places, things or terms. Define each of these in your own words.

Using complete sentences, answer questions 3-5 on page 185.

Using complete sentences, answer questions 6 and 7 from page 185.

Page 185, question 1 lists seven people, places, things or terms. Complete a Frayer diagram for each term.

Write a paragraph explaining how the Germanic tribes divided Western Europe into many small kingdoms.


Complete the GoOnline activity on page 185.

Page 185, question 1 lists seven people, places, things or terms. Use each term in a sentence of at least 15 words that shows what the term means.

Write 10 questions that you have after reading this passage.

Go to . View the video, the Reign of Charlemagne and read the information about Charlemagne. Answer the following questions: 1. Compare and contrast the information in the text with the information on line.  2. What might be one of the results of the division of Charlemagne’s empire? 3. Do you think Charlemagne was an admirable character? Why or why not?

Prentice Hall World History, Connections to Today, New York edition.


Biology Example

Your Task: Read pages 310-312 of your Biology book. Complete one activity from each column.


details and facts

a step beyond

In the text margins are definitions for 13 vocabulary terms. Write the definitions in your own words.

Answer the 10 questions on page 313.

view the video at /animation__dna_replication__quiz_1_.html

Then answer the 5 questions on the page. Print your page with answers.

In the text margins are definitions for 13 vocabulary terms. Create a metaphor for each word in the form of ______ is like ______ because _______.

On page 310 there is a green text box with three objectives for the lesson. Do each of the three activities to show your understanding of the reading.

View the video at

List 5 things you learned.

In the text margins are definitions for 13 vocabulary terms. Write a sentence of at least 15 words each that shows what each term means.

Write a GIST statement for each section of the reading.

and read the description of DNA Replication. Answer the following questions:

1.       What do you think might happen if the DNA did not replicate correctly? Why?

2.       Why do you think DNA forms a double helix?

3.       Explain how enzymes are important to human life.

Biology Cycles of Life, AGS Publishing

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