Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Great Teachers do Differently

 Todd Whitaker's What Great Teachers Do Differently: 17 Things That Matter Most showcases things that great teachers do from his experience as a teacher, administrator, researcher, and presenter. He sees the important things as:

  1. It's people not programs- new programs do not improve teachers or solve problems. People solve problems and improve teaching. He recommends spending time developing skills in teachers on a consistent basis. Every teacher has place to improve. The best ones know where they need to develop.
  2. It's not what you do but how you do it- Every teaching strategy can be used effectively or ineffectively. Every program is the same. Effective is effective.
  3. the power of expectations- Rather than rules, use expectations. Present modes of behavior that so that children can be treated individually and their behavior in general, improves. We are learning whatever because it is fascinating and important.
  4. if you say something, mean it- so important. With my son I learned this lesson and became uber-consistent. Never say anything you do not mean. If something comes out of your mouth, be sure you can follow through.
  5. prevention versus revenge- consequences are often part of revenge. Set up your class to prevent behavior problems (engaging lessons, well- established norms, respect). 
  6. high expectations ... for whom- for everyone. If a student cannot be expected to behave or learn because of poor home life, learning problems, physical problems not understanding English, or something else then you are not holding high expectations.
  7. the teacher is the variable in the classroom- Children act differently with different teachers, adults or peers. In school it is about the teacher. Great teachers know that their students' success is their responsibility. It is not those kids.
  8. focus on students first- do what is right for kids, NOT the adults. I think this is most important now during our COVID reality. We need to do what is right for kids. Learning environments that are ideal for them, not for us as adults. Assemblies mean we sit with the kids- the ones most likely to act out so that our proximity can help control behavior. Great teachers agree on change that improves education
  9. praise- personal and private. Praise also should be frequent and specific. 
  10. be the filter- hold on the negative thoughts. Express the positive and focus on problem solving. The Debbie Downers need to minimized in their ability to influence. People who focus on complaining are not the best people. 
  11. don't need to do repair...always do repair- Never avoid an opportunity to apologize. Be genuine and sincere. Teach kids how to do this with scripts and suggestions. 
  12. ignore minor errors- prioritize. 
  13. plan- Good teachers plan and implement. This is different from writing beautiful plans for administrators. 
  14. base every decision on the best people- do not worry about what the downers and middling people think. Worry about the best people. Best people embrace good ideas and change for the better. The negative Nellies will complain about everything. Do not worry about their reactions.
  15. treat everyone as if they were good- this is related to the high expectations listed above. 
  16. model the behavior you expect- We are starting on overlapping ideas. If you want students to respect each other- respect them. If you value life long learning, you better be learning.
  17. keep testing in perspective- It is not about the test, it is about good teaching. Good teaching results in good result.
  18. make it cool to care- Blasé is not acceptable.
This list seems more focused on what administrators can do and focus on than on what teachers need to do. Some of the advice is common to every experience on good teaching. 

I read this as an audiobook. Not a bad one to listen to because it is not super information intense. 

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